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Honduras Coffee Origen trip

  • Arrival date: Saturday, January 28, 2023
    Departure date: Sunday, February 5, 2023

    Trip Cost: $2,250 per person
    This price assumes double occupancy. 

    Accommodation details
    This trip is not for the traveler who expects to lodge and dine in luxury. Accommodations will be simple and comfortable, and meals provided will be ample but not extravagant. Lodging as part of the trip will include nights at either a mid-range hotel or AirBNB in Antigua, a Farm stay in a guesthouse at Finca San Jerónimo Miramar and a villa at Lake Atitlán. Guests who book as a single person may need to share a room with another single same-gender traveler.

    Included in Trip Cost
    Guided tours and activities at two operational coffee farms (San Miguel Escobar Cooperative & Finca San Jerónimo Miramar)
    All 8 nights lodging at the Antigua hotel and/or AirBNB, Finca San Jerónimo Miramar guesthouse and Lake Atitlán villa 
    Optional overnight volcano hike or traditional cooking workshop
    Transportation to & from organized group activities
    All breakfasts, most lunches & dinners

    Not Included in Trip Cost
    Flights to/from Guatemala City
    Travel insurance (required)
    Some lunches & dinners on free days
    Adult beverages & personal expenses

    Confirmation Email, Health Information and Waiver
    After you purchase your trip, we will send you a confirmation email within 48 hours that includes a trip waiver for you to sign and send back, a form to collect your contact and medical information, link to Trip Insurance information and trip details. In that email we will also ask if you would like to do the optional volcano overnight backpacking trip.

    Travel InsuranceTrip protection style travel insurance that includes travel medical coverage is required for this trip with Odysea Coffee. The coverage must have a minimum of $150,000 for travel medical coverage and a $250,000 minimum for emergency medical evacuation & repatriation coverage. You can choose which travel insurance company to work with. A copy of insurance must be sent to us once obtained.

    Cancellation and Trip Credit Policy.
    If you cancel your participation, for any reason, we will give you a full or partial credit towards a future trip with us. The credit amount will be based on the table below. Note that we do not offer refunds. Trip credit may be used for future Coffee Tours 3 years from date of cancellation. Trip cost is also transferable to another person if you cancel. There is no refund or credit for arriving late or leaving the Tour early. You may choose to purchase trip protection that covers trip cancellation.


Having a direct relationship with the producers themselves is an important factor that makes us stand out as a brand. We don't buy our coffee from an importer; we visit the origin at least four times a year, meeting with the producers and building lasting relationships. By cutting out the middleman, we ensure that each producer receives a just price. To us, that's what it's all about.


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